Work in Style recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to the building industry and the activities of this company. It is the organisation's objective to operate with, and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies.
It is the declared policy of Work in Style to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements and to continually improve environmental performance and prevent pollution through implementation of the following:
This policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub contractors and, when requested, is made available to the public.
Our overriding Quality objective is to ensure that the customer is completely satisfied with the work and performance provided by WIS Ltd, and that our service complies with their instructions and all regulatory and legal requirements.
This policy will be achieved through the operation of a formal Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2015, the employment of competent staff, commitment to continual improvement and customer satisfaction.
The Managing Director is committed to and actively participates in the principles of Quality Management and will ensure that company quality objectives are identified, met and adequately resourced.
Whilst achieving these primary aims, the manuals will also be used for a number of other purposes, including:
Download Quality Policy Statement
Download ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
Download ISO 45001:2018 Certificate
Download ISO 14001:2015 Certificate
Work In Style Limited identifies that UK Law protects and supports employees and working standards for all within the United Kingdom. However it is recognised that workers outwith the UK and EU laws are not always employed under suitable working conditions and hours. Often child labour is used, basic working environmental conditions are not established and Safety is ignored.
Work In Style Limited is committed to a top-down approach to systematically assess the risk of labour rights abuses in the goods and services they procure, and to instigate processes that support improvement where practicable.
Work In Style Limited understands that a commitment to Ethical trade by all companies will help to improve the pay and conditions of people involved in the supply of goods and services. They understand that effective ethical procurement is not easy, however Work In Style Limited continues to strive to work with supplier companies throughout their supply chain that are committed to help their workers to access fundamental rights such as the right to safe and decent working conditions, to be paid at least the legal minimum wage, and to join and form unions so they can bargain collectively for their rights. It also includes working with suppliers to eliminate child labour.
The management of the Organisation has a continuing commitment to:
The structure of the Labour Standards Assurance System is defined in our Labour Standards Assurance System Manual and the referenced policies & procedures.
All personnel understand the requirements of the Labour Standards Policy and abide with the contents of the Labour Standards Assurance System Manual.
The Organisation constantly monitors its Labour Standards performance and implements improvements when appropriate.
This Labour Standards Policy is regularly reviewed in order to ensure its continuing suitability.
Download Labour Standards Policy
Download Modern Slavery Statement
Download Whistle Blowing Policy
Download Whistle Blow Concern Raising Contact
Download ETI base code Bengali
Download Sustainability Policy